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sidebar question (Sat Sep 9 20:34:36 2000 )

Hi everyone! Just wondering something since we 
are on this topic... has anyone ever attempted to 
bid on a cel at Yahoo auctions and then someone 
shills and wins? But after losing, much to  your 
dismay you find out from the seller that the 
supposed winning bidder never followed through.

This happened recently on Yahoo. Did anyone catch 
the cels of MDAW? If you didn't he had 2 really 
nice cels from Tenchi and one from Macross DYRL. 
The winner for all the Tenchi one's ended up 
being the same person, who Takashi informed 
everyone on this website, was a deadbeat.

I actually tried bidding on the Macross DYRL one, 
but hey the guy who shilled on the Tenchi's beat 
me on that one. 

So, just to get back on track, does anyone have 
any ideas on how buyers can get bidders who 
engage in sleazy bidding practices like that 
thrown out of Yahoo? I checked the fellow and he 
has no feedback of any auctions, making it kind 
of hard to report him to the neighborhood watch.


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