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Re: eBay scam artist update (Tue Sep 19 16:28:45 2000 )


I saw that he had ended the auctions too.  I'd 
LOVE to see how and when he gets a digital camera 
to show us the 'proof' that he has the cels.  I 
would be pretty amazed if he has the exact cel, 
sequence number, background and all, considering I 
have one of them right in front of me. 
Logically speaking, if he has the cels, why does 
he need to use -my- scans and photos, including 
the one with my URL written across it?  No two 
cels are the exact same and he didn't mention a 
-thing- about the sequence numbers.

Yeah, he's got a lot of chutzpah, but if I were 
him, I wouldn't be stupid enough to draw any more 
eBay attention to myself.  His argument that it's 
against the rules to email bidders won't hold up 
in light of his more serious offense of multiple 
counts attempted fraud.  

Btw, it's become pretty clear that some of those 
accounts are shill bidders, particularly the Washu 
one if you read the comments left.  Probably some 
of the people on this forum emailed his shill 
accounts as that would be the only way for him to 
know who emailed the bidders since I highly doubt 
the legitimate bidders would given him the time of 
day to explain who had contacted them.

Anyhow, hope that's the last we see of him for a 
good long while, though that's probably only 
wishful thinking..

Thanks for your help everyone!  Here's to hoping 
that eBay does something about him.  I'm not 
holding my breath though.  If anyone has extra 
time on their hands, they can email eBay to report 
this scam artist.  Perhaps if they received 
numerous complaints about him, they would 
actually take notice and do -something-.  Again, 
not holding my breath for this to happen though...

Take care,

- Debbye

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