Hey, remember you contest from a long time ago?
You had us choose who you should collect next.
That didn't work out, did it? LOL!
I remember I picked Inaho as the best
choice...where is your Inaho gallery? ;-)
Naaa...a few of us are doomed to never stop
collecting Ryoko (I think there is some sort of
fable about us somewhere), no matter what else we
pick to try to add to the fun of finding cels.
I have chosen several series...but just as fast as
I find em..I give them up, it seems.
Keep your good cels, no matter who they are of,
unless you think you really won't miss them. Cuz
when you decide you want them back...you are not
gonna get such a good deal the second time around!
Keep looking for that next character, it might
happen some day! You will know it when it does!
I think...I wouldn't actually KNOW.
Kathleen (empathy for your predicament, as always) |