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I'd go for option 2 (Sun Sep 24 08:41:37 2000 )


I'm in kind of a similar situation with Kenshin 
right now... I love him to death, but, much like 
Ryoko, it is HARD to find affordable cels!  So I'm 
pretty much limiting myself to a few series right 
now as well.  I'm not going to get rid of all the 
random cels I picked up in my first few motnhs as 
a collector (like I have one Mahoujin Guru Guru 
cel, two Ranma cels, etc) but (wow I'm rambling) I 
think by focusing on a few series, IF you choose 
them right, you can get a good balance of Ryoko 
and some more affordable chracters!  I'm trying to 
balance the ever-expensive Kenshin and oh-so-rare 
Maison Ikkoku everyone heres me rambling about 
with my newfound (and still relatively cheap) 
love, Tenshi ni Narumon... I mean, I got a last 
episode cel yesterday for $16!  Yay!

Anyway my point is.. option two sounds good to me 
since I'm trying it and it hasn't failed yet.  
Don't get rid of Ryoko!  ^_^


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