"This is not an adult situations site."
This isn't a kid's site, either. As long as adult
cel images are censored to a "bathing suit" level,
I see no reason they shouldn't be posted. Any
child so young they would be scarred for life by
seeing a censored adult cel image should _not_ be
surfing the net on their own. (Have you seen some
of the ads Yann's banner server has had up from
time to time?!)
At any rate, this is Yann's forum, so it's up to
him whether or not he wants adult cel images here,
and what range of tastes and explicitness levels
are permitted. I just wanted to give my $0.02 on
the matter.
--Atiya, hoping someday for the internet to once
again be safe for adults
(As far as the issue of H-anime involving minors
goes, I personally find it repulsive. However, I
also do not like the attitude that equates it with
actual child porn. Real child porn is made by
doing terrible things to real children. No H-anime
does that, no matter what the characters within it
look like or claim to be. This is a distinction
that I hope any "FUTURE COPS" will be able to