(just had to put something above besides the re;
dont take offense ^_^) but anywayz I wasnt the one
to have reference to God (i am a atheist, but
anywayz back to the point)....the person that is
sellign those sells I feel is honestly doing for
nothing but profit...I can understand if you keep
some of the cels but this person boguht it for
profit...the ryokos that they put up are the best
ones in the batch (the others were just minor pics
compared to the ones thrown up,and you cant say its
your own preference because the others were not
close to the quality of these ones)...I went
through a bidding war to get those suckers to
realize I didnt get them...so why didn the person
throw them up on yahoo japan? cuz they knew the
could get lot more money from peope on ebay....but
I dont know...I feel that if you were to be a user
of this cel forum that if you bought packets that
you would first offer the cels to the people on the
forum then throw them up on evil bay if nobody
wanted them...