PLEASE don't kill me! o.O; (one of the things NOT
to post on a CEL forum!) OK yet ANOTHER thingie
for History. We are on the industrial revolution
and I have to come up with a company or
bussines...I chose the bussiness of cel selling.
And I have to talk my class mates (who think
POKEMON is like almost the ONLY anime
ever!!...what a bunch on dead beats!) into buying
cels. I introduced them before to Hayao Miyazaki
with short clips of Kiki,Totoro, and Princess
Mononoke. NOW I'm introduceing CELS!! (ya' got to
go slow with these guys) I have to talk them into
buying anime cels... give me some pointers please
^_^; I don't know why I collect cels... I JUST DO!
-and uhhhh just a reminder... I doubt new
competition for us cel collecters will be comeing
out of this...-Cat- Who is going to be banned for
titleing the message so stupidly! |