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$250 seiya on ebay (Tue May 30 21:16:21 2000 )

Hi Az,

  Just wondering if the cel you were referring to of seiya 

was the henshin cel that went for $250? 

  I agree most seiya's are pretty reasonable in price. But, 

henshins are a bit of a different story. Henshins and 

attacks are where the characters prices really seem to 

jump. I saw a star healer attack cel for $200 quite a while 


  Plus, with ebay, prices on cels seem to go up even more. 

Especially if someone really wants something. I've paid 

more than i normally would for certain cels on ebay, 

because other people wanted them as much as i did, and 

the prices rose because of it. But, i actually found my 

wish cel off of ebay and I am so happy about it.  =) So, 

you never know when a wish cel will appear before you =)

   Best of luck finding your wish cels =)

Take care,
Robin =)

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