(Good thing I got my computer fixed today. ;_____;
I have a hardware hex on my head or something.... ;____;)
I'm still in awe at just how thick and stiff they are. ^_~
Because of that, I'm handling my cels a lot more than I
probably should (yes, I keep them all in the celbook still,
which is very fat because of these new celbags). Actually,
the first time I tried to stick all the Mylar bags into
the celbook, the book would NOT close! I had to go back and
squeegie (sp?) out all the air before the book would close
properly @_@. These are extremely impermeable bags, I
wouldn't seal them unless you're in a rather humid climate.
I suppose the cels could stick on the front, but it would
do a lot more damage to stick on the paint side..
Unfortunately, it would seem that no one else has experience
with Mylars here. If you really wanted to be paranoid, I
guess slipping a sheet of polypro or a cut-up old bag on
the front would provide even more protection. I'm not all
that concerned, though I'll probably check on them every
so often to see how things are.
g'nite |