If you're not that concerned that the background
won't be the EXACT match, but think something
would look nice behind your cel, you have a few
1. Some folks have taken to getting some
watercolors and nice paper and painting their own
backgrounds. Mostly, this has been used to do a
color wash behind it (giving the impression that
the characters in your cels hang around at
sunset), but it can work rather nicely.
2. At cel dealers in Japan, such as Mandarake or
AWS, you can get bags of loose backgrounds. These
can be used for nice effect or just to do
something silly (I almost bought one just to put
an Armored Trooper Votoms cel against a pastel,
shoujo-kiddy bg).
3. You can also invest in nice colored paper (be
sure to check if it's archival-safe or not) and
just use that. An art supply or framing shop
should be able to offer you a range of nice papers
for a striking effect. |