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I figured out one way to get rid of the oily looking bubbles. (Mon Aug 28 12:08:15 2000 )
Sonia Lai


Dear Valerie,

Hi, I had a few cels that looked just like that as
well although they aren't framed.  After a little
experimentation, I found out one way to get rid of
that effect.  Since in all these cases, the cel
layers are stuck, you must GENTLY push a piece of
archival cel bag into or around that area
(preferably into).  This will prevent the cel
paints' "exhaustion" (gases and chemical residues
from being trapped between the air pockets
created by the cel sandwich.  This will require
EXTREMELY steady hands.  One way to help the bag
piece into the proper area is to put the cel bag
piece on top of a piece of paper, and then using
the piece of paper as a wedge guide, guide the
bag into its place.  Then remove the paper.  The
thinness of the cel bag usually makes it difficult
to guide just a piece of it into the area you
need, hence the need for something a little
sturdier to help guide it in.  I really hope this
makes sense!  If I had a scanner, I could show you
examples, but unfortunately, I don't 8(.  If you
need any clarification, please feel free to post
(or look up my e-mail using search).  Good luck!



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