Ohh gee, let me voice my Sob story. I had been
saving and saving for a PARTICULAR LIME CEL over
at Manadarake that I had been eyeing for quite
some time. Low and behold, I lost my job and
couldn't afford to purchase it right away. >=#
a Particular 'friend' of mine found out about it
at Anime Expo and this 'friend' not only BOUGHT
the Cel knowing VERY WELL that I wanted it, but
proceeded to flaunt it in my face?
>=# This particular Friend even still shows me
additional SMJ Cels he's purchased just to piss
me off. Hey Tony?? Is this a sob story your
looking for.. or where you looking for
something "LESS" Close to home?
~one sad VERY PISSED Panda
Bustagroove@aol.com |