I've already posted this on the forum before, but
it's been
awhile, and since I can't get over it, I thought
I'd post
about it again.
For about 3 years, now, I've been searching for a
Sumeragi Subaru
cel from X the movie. At A-kon this year, which
I couldn't go
to do to summer session, there was a cel of him
for sale. I
posted here trying to find out who had the cel
and if it was
sold. No luck. Then, one week later, Taro
posted a cel
of hime for sale...around 1am. In other words,
despite the
several emails I got telling me to get to Taro
quick, I missed
getting the cel since I was asleep.
Now, considering Subaru is in the movie for maybe
a whole 5 mins,
I haven't really expected to get a cel of him,
but it really
hurts when after three years, two cels of him pop
up in about
one week, and I just missed both of them. I can
only hope if/when
the X TV series comes out, there will be more
cels of him.
Hope everyone has a smurfy day!
Sumeragi |