Cels Forum

Re: Photoshop for processing cel Images - simpler method (Sat Nov 6 18:22:25 1999 )
Ranma's Cute Fiance'

What I do is scan both halves of the cel. 
Make sure that each half is alighned as straight as possible.  
Then, in Photoshop (I use either 3.0 or 5.something,
depending on which computer I am on) I enlarge the canvas size
of one of the images to a little more than double.
Then I cut and paste the other half over the blank space of the 
enlarged canvas and align it (rotating if needed) so that it fits 
more or less perfectly. 
Then I use the rubber stamp tool to blend in the seem and darker
areas caused by the scanner.
Crop and save in desired size.  
Each cel only takes about 3 or 4 minutes and though not the most 
'professional' way, it is the simplest and less time consuming way 
to do it. 

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