Cels Forum

Re: Re: Unusual character/cel wishlist... (Fri Nov 12 04:34:26 1999 )
Jennifer A. Wand

ACCCCCCCCCK it did it again!!!!!!  I'm
gonna get kicked off the Forum at this
rate, and I'm really trying to be a 
good girl!  ::sob::

> You probably didn't know about the non-wrapping text 
> either.

Actually I did... but I forgot.
It's been so long between 
postings.... ^_^;;;;

> I've been wondering about that.  I put a wish list up on > my webpage because it changes with what I find and what I > watch.  I wouldn't want to be posting a new list every 2 
> monthes or so.  However, I wonder if anyone ever reads my > wish list. 

I used to go around randomly and
send people URLs of what was on their
wish lists.  Especially people who
were nice to me.  I also like to play
identify-the-episode with Sailor Moon
cels... so if anyone's wondering, ask me :)

>>#3) (RK) Kenshin-chan looking SQUISHY.
> I love that description!  I get a kick out of it.  Of >course, I think I've been up to long now... I'm getting 
> silly due to it... damn homework...


And you thought it was just a throwaway phrase...

Ah well, veeeeeering off topic.  I'll be good from now on. :P  


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