Cels Forum

Phaarna and the revoked Langrisser Cels (Fri Nov 26 11:54:59 1999 )

Hi everybody.  I just lately found this board, looks like 
my business practices were quite a subject for discusion
last week 

Here is my side of the story. I still admit that I am at fault here. If you guys want to flame me, or call me at weird hours(my # is on the website, go get it) or try to stick it to me on ebay, I can't stop you. I probably deserve it. All I ask is that you hear me out.

I don't believe in slinking around, I own up to all my decisions, both good and bad. I was the cel dealer who had the 2 Langrisser cels Phaarna (Christi Morse) had wanted. She put them on hold (SORT OF), but I sold them to someone else. She is mostly telling the whole story. The only thing I can add is this: When I confirmed her order, I mentioned that I was going to post more Langrisser cels sometime, to which she responded on 11/14-- ====================================================== "You'll be posting some more? I certainly would like to see them before finalizing my order. Definately let me know when you put the new Langrisser cels up!" ====================================================== Please note the phrase BEFORE FINALIZING MY ORDER. >>>Translation: Her order was not final.<< A technicality? Perhaps. But remember, this is email we're talking about. All I have to go on for her intentions are those few words. She did not ever mention this in her posts about me.

The very next day, I got an offer on-the-spot from a guy locally, he called me on the phone and wanted to see my whole collection in person. He offered me over 3 times the posted price for the Langrisser cels. Yes, greed set in here. He had cash, and I knew I probably wouldn't get another chance. I thought, "Geez, I probably shouldn't do this..." but at the same time Phaarna said that she would only later "finalize" the order. Since I hadn't yet posted the new cels I had no "guarantee" that she would even still want those same two cels, so in effect I could have lost both sales. I sold them to the man for $70 and $80. For the record, he didn't know how much they were on hold for, he made up the offer himself. He had heard about my cels from a mutual friend, NOT my website. I wrote back to Phaarna and told her what happened, and was very apologetic (for whatever that is worth). I was nearly certain she hadn't sent any money, since, again, she had said she would first "finalize the order". And I of course offered to return her money in case she HAD aready sent it. So I offered her the two remaining Langrisser cels for the same price as the first two. Of course she was quite upset (as you are well aware already) and she had no interest in either of the two new cels. In any case, I made that decision. And I admit it: While I do love cels tremendously, I am in the business of selling things on the internet to make money. I can't say it's a noble thing I've done, but I must live with it. I have certainly hurt my reputation proably quite a lot. But I will say this: I have never EVER taken money for something and not delivered. My ebay feedback is proof of that. So that's my story. If all this means that you guys won't ever buy cels from me, and will also tell everyone you can find to avoid me, so be it. I understand. I certainly understand Phaarna's being upsite, and wish to offer her my public apologies, and also wish her luck in finding the cels she wants. Yours very truly, J.Hakola (Mr.Dandy)

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