Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Yann! (Sat Dec 18 18:24:15 1999 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


Actually, not many of you have anything to fear from me. I
have a couple characters that I'm still looking for cels
of, but I'm not about to grab just any cel of them. I bide
my time until I see something really worth my effort and
money. (And if it's enough to catch my eye, I usually need
quite a bit of the latter.) Most cel dealers newest and
best offerings get passed over by me.

My problem is that one of the characters I'm after is from
*American* animation - Zartan from GI Joe. *He's* the one I
can't find anything of, that I would be tempted to grab the
first cel I saw of him. (*sad pout*) Every other character,
be it Sailor Pluto, Lava without his mask, Belldandy and
Urd, or even Evangelion characters - they all show up again

(Needless to say, if someone here happens to also have
connections with dealers in American animation art and
thinks they can help me, please write!!)

Many Sharp Smiles,

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