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Re: Another silly question... Cel book aesthetics. ^^; (Tue Dec 21 20:29:11 1999
) Ryochan httP:// |
Hello! You didn't mention what size of celbook you have. I finally went and separated my backgrounded cels out into one -backgrounded- book and the rest are in the usual 11x14 sized books. They don't seem to drift around too badly in those. Thing is, my collection has gotten so out of hand that I have celbooks sorted by series and character. F'rinstance, my Ranma book has Ukyo first, then Shampoo, then P-Chan and Ryoga, and so on and so on... Every major update (every couple of months) I take 'em out and rearrange. I like to sit and just look through my celbooks. Especially after making a credit card payment. ^^;; Any rate, hope that helps give you ideas! Ryochan |
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