RCF brings up an interesting point.
Just how far should cel collector's go to protect their
images from being taken and in some remote case, possibly
being used for fraudulent purposes?
I can understand Beaveren's wanting to place his email
addy across his images. However, it is a bit distracting
at times.
So, how can we strike a balance between affecting the
viewing enjoyment and protecting our cels?
My suggestion is based on having visited a few cel galleries
and seeing what they've done.
One idea is to not mark the thumbnail which is small anyway,
and place an obvious tag of some sort across the larger
linked image which is more susceptible to being 'borrowed.'
Also, placing a not-so-obvious tag, (like semi-transparent)
thats there but not in a blatant way seems to work as well.
How about password protecting larger images like AinoAnime
did? I think that would discourage people from visiting
cel galleries, though.
One thing that doesn't seem too effective is the disclaimer
"please do not take my images without permission, blah blah blah"
Anyone have any other ideas or suggestions on this subject?
It would be interesting to see how each person deals with
this issue which seems to be of more concern as time goes by. |