Cels Forum

Does darn American studios! (Wed Jan 5 23:19:36 2000 )
Sonia Lai


Dear Jaana,

I think the studios themselves put such a high price on
their cels, and there are probably people out there who buy
them enough for them to make more!  When my local animation
gallery had an event, people would line up to buy 2 or 3
animation cels at $700.00 each!  I was always the poor soul
left standing with nothing =(.  I'm very grateful the
gallery took pity on me and at least let me meet their

I was surprised to hear that Fox's own archives were already
almost emptied of most of their good sketches from the movie
which goes to show you that there are EXTREMELY rich people
out there!

I'm also grateful that some of the American cartoon shows I
love (not including Disney and Warner Bros.) have anime
priced cels if I can find them =).



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