Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Taro suggestion / Escaflowne cel up for grabs. (Fri Jan 7 09:03:34 2000 )
Yann Stettler

When you put a cel in your basket (whatever on the new or
old system), it's removed from the website.

The problem is people who do exactly what you say you
are doing : put all the cels from a character/anime
in his/her basket so they can take time to decide which
one they want to buy and get ride of all others.
During that time, nobody else can see the cels and they
don't even know they exist !

Usualy people come check the new cels only once and
then don't come until the next update. So they will
miss all those cels you put in your basket and end
up not buying.

That's why I don't use that system myself.

So if you are not sure you want to buy a cel or not,
just __don't__ put it in your basket. Take your time
to think if you want the cel or not before puting it
in the basket ! You may lost the cel because someone
else was sure he/she wanted to buy it but then, so
what ? After all, it's normal.

As for browser "clicking" themselve on links without
you wanting to do it... please, com'on !

Yann Stettler


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