Cels Forum

Clarifying some things... (Mon Jan 24 04:41:28 2000 )
Lady Zatara


I received a message tonight that hurt me a great deal,
and I just wanted to clear some things up.

I am a VERY, very busy person.  I have 6 classes this 
semester (all at the 300  level) as well as work 40  hours
per week.  I'm home at night, but then am usually working
on homework or whatnot.  I'm sorry I'm very bad with
email and other things - occasionally, too, I am delayed
in sending payments (or orders).  I try to be prompt, but
 often things happen during the week which mean I don't
have time to go by the post office.  I have also been
in and out of the hospital since early October for various
surgery and other treatments, so that has put me very
behind in things.

Also, if I have sounded EVER like I was "bragging" about a
cel, then I am very, very sorry.  I never meant to offend
anyone or make it sound like I'm very conceited about my
collection.  I consider myself to be very lucky to have
found some nice things, and cel collecting is one of the
few things in my life which actually makes things sometimes
seem half-okay.  Heck, if I didn't have something to keep
my mind off of everything else, I probably would've given
up a long time ago.

So, again, I'm very sorry for anything I've done wrong.  I
never meant to offend anyone or make anyone angry at me.  I
wish I had more time to do everything that I'd like to each
week, but whenever things seem to be going well then
lightning seems to strike and it's back to normal...

Um... this was not meant to be a pity party, either, so I'm
ALSO sorry if I'm whining... I was just extremely hurt when
I read a message earlier throwing some things at me (which
I'm sure seem justified in the dealer's point of view, but
look very different from my side).  I won't post cels here
anymore, and I may quit cel collecting altogether.  Things
just have a way of piling up, I guess, and even something
that makes me happy always turns around to end up wrong,


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