Cels Forum

How far do we all want to nitpick? ^_^ (Fri Mar 31 07:07:40 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


Okay, here's how I was thinking of breaking it down. . .
I'll accept more than one scan of a particular character
provided that the outfit shown is common to the character.
If a character undergoes a major costume chage (like the
addition of wings to Sailor Moon's outfit) I'll include
scans from more than one series.

Example: Setsuna *IS* Sailor Pluto, just in a different
outfit. But I'll look for one of her in her sailor gear
(because it is very common and a trademark of the character),
and one in street clothes (because she can't run around in
the sailor suit 24/7 and keep a secret identity), but not
one of every outfit she's ever worn.

Example two: If a character is temporarily changed into
something/someone else, it really depends on for how long.
If it was for half a season, that would be an acceptable
addition. If it were for ten minutes of one episode, I
can't run with it. Being as the cast is already huge,
there's only so far we can go.

I'm sure I just made everything about as clear as mud. In
many cases I'll have to listen to what all you Sailor Moon
fans tell me. (*laugh*) I really don't know the series well
enough to remember lots of things like this and there is a
whole season and a half I haven't seen. (Chibiusa in an
adult form? It was news to me when I saw one of the cels on
Ebay! ^_^)

Bottom line. . . If you're not sure if something counts or
not, feel free to send it anyway with an explaination.

I can already assure you all this is going to look GOOD!
I've been sent a scan of a VERY NICE Mercury and another of
the first things to hit my box was Sailor Iron Mouse! (*big
grin*) I really should find my own cel of her since I think
she's so cute! ^_^ Keep them coming!!

Many Sharp Smiles,

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