Cels Forum

Well then. . . (Thu Mar 30 18:16:30 2000 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles


Why don't we try? ^_^  I'd be willing to give up a bit of
space on my server to host the first month's go at it. I
think that it just might bring traffic to people's sites -
it's easy enough to put a link to the site of each cel's

The question is, which show? I want to say Miyu, but the
shinma are neigh impossible to find. . . Wait, I know. . .
(and here's to hoping I don't shoot myself later for saying
this now). . . How about Sailor Moon?

Seems Sailor Moon cels are decently common (even if
expensive) and it also seems that everyone has at least
one. Heck, even I do and I'm not a *huge* fan of the show
(just of Pluto ^_^). On top of that, the cast is big enough
that I don't know anyone who has *every* character.

So let's see what we come up with. . . Here will be the
rules for anyone who is interested:

1) Pick out what you think are your best and rarest SM
cels, only one of each character. (Meaning, don't pick out
20 Mercurys, only pick out the one you like best.)

2) Send the scan to me at the above address. KEEP THE SCANS
UNDER ABOUT 70KB!! I've been unable to crash my e-mail
program with huge attachments before, but don't really want
to test it either. ^_^;

ALSO! One scan per e-mail. If you have more than one
character you want to send, e-mail multiple times.

ONE MORE ALSO! To make my sorting easier, put the words:
"SMoon Project" somewhere in the subject of the e-mail.

3) I'm not *incredibly* familiar with the less common
Sailor Moon characters - and couldn't name all the major
ones off the top of my head either - so make sure you tell
me in the e-mail what the character's NAME is. If you know
where the cel came from (meaning season or episode) send
that along too. I can also make any other notations you
would like regarding the cel - if it is an end or key cel,
has a matching sketch, etc.

4) Don't forget to include however you want the scan to be
credited to you. If you have an online gallery and want a
link put up, I can do that - send the URL with the scan. If
you only want your name or nickname, that's fine as well.

ALSO! I do not intend this to be any kind of "for sale"
page. If your cel is chosen for the project and you have an
interest in selling it, you are welcome to make a note of
that on your own page, but I will not mark it as such on the
project page.

5) I will accept scans until. . . Oh let's say Friday of
next week. (That's a week from tomorrow.) At that point I
will look at all the scans and sort out what I think is the
best of each character available. (Someone show me a Pluto
better than mine! I dare you! ^_-) I will then put together
a page for them all and announce here when it is done.

Some notes to add on the bottom are this: I promise that the
scans sent to me will be used only for this project and
(unless other arrangements are made) will be deleted from
my computer at the end of the project. They will NOT be
posted anywhere but on the one page that the project is
displayed on and that page will be marked with disclaimers
announcing that we do not want the scans taken without the
cels' owners being asked. I can keep the project page up
for as long as there seems to be interest - probably less
than a month.

Whew! I think that's everything. So e-mail away! Let's see
how much of the cast we can come up with! ^_^

Many Sharp Smiles,

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