Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Homepage, cels, rambling. (Sun Apr 16 02:43:09 2000
) Van Donovan |
Yeah, I want that Ken cel from animechaos too. Why do I always miss these good cels, or get to them AFTER Jey has?! *weeps* Anyway, noticed lots of people posting the likes of "Look, I updated my page" and I've never done, that. Msot of you probably don't even know I exist. ^_^; So, go visit my page! And, if you see something you REAAAAALLY want, offer a price. I might not sell, but I'm SO broke, I just might. ^_^; Worth a try, anyway. Enjoy. *yes, is a big Trowa / Gundamwing fan* Van. |
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