Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Scanner advice? (Thu Jun 5 09:20:18 1997 )
Yann Stettler

> still not quite sure on such things as resolution, 300 x 600
> psi is better than/worse than 1200 x 1200?  I don't know.  

Normaly the higher the resolution the better _but_ many
cheap scanner just claim a high resolution but are crap.
Anyway, you will nearly never scan something at a resolution
higher than 300 or 400dpi as you won't have the memory :=)
For example, we consider that an image on a screen as
a resolution of 75 to 100 dpi.
If you make scan for printing, most laser have a resolution
of 300 to 600dpi. Most inkjet also except for the new
Epson who can go up to 1440 dpi ! But that doesn't mean
that you need to scan the picture at this resolution.

Usualy when I scan an A4 picture, I use 200 dpi. The
resulting image is already around 12MB ! And the quality
is much enough to enlarge the picture up to A3 or A2
when printing...

In fact a higher resolution is important for the printer
and much less for the scaner.

Yann Stettler

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