Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Pricing on SF2 Chun Li Cels (Mon Apr 20 19:18:38 1998 )

>So to come back to SFII, they may worth a lot for you
>but to tell the true, they isn't many people realy
>interested and their quality doesn't justify a very
>high price.... (eh! Maybe I will be able to get youa >couple ones in Japan... :)

Well, I definitely commend you on doing such a deed as going
against the commodity market, by offering such low prices.
I myself am just a collector, and I dont have access to contacts
that you have. So I only judged by the popularity of the movie,
and what I have seen on the internet as far as what is available.
All of the ones I have seen out there, which is not a lot,
have been expensive, so that's where I got the Idea that 
they should be.

If you could get some the next time you go, please let me know!
(I'll hold you to your word about them not being expensive!!) ^_^



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