Cels Forum

Re: I am back with many new cels :) (Tue Oct 20 01:05:34 1998 )
Darla :)

Hi Yann....it was nice meeting you here in Japan. It was so crowded at the show 
that we didn't really get a chance to talk though. It's nice to put a face with a name

As for ebay, for me it is a way to keep my cel hobby completely seperate from my husband's
business. My cels are completely seperate and money I make selling any goes back into my
hobby. For tax reasons also it is necessary to keep everything completely seperate. So I never
put up a for sale page but if I have some cels for sale I will put them on ebay. For me, it is just
easier to keep it all seperate that way.

Also, if you put something on ebay you don't have to research what the price should be....you
can let the buyers decide which is convenient when there is a cel which I have decided I 
no longer want but have no idea what to price it.. I of course want to get a good price but I
 don't want to over price either. 
Putting a cel on ebay does sometimes save me time as I don't have to research current prices.

One more thing, I know of several people that will put things up on ebay just to advertise
their web page. It might be a typical item...nothing rare...but if you put a link in the description
to your web page you do get a lot more hits and if you are a dealer this probably means more
sales also.

There are bad things about ebay too of course. I just wanted to make these points.
I have recently seen a doll dealer putting dolls up on ebay and she has the same dolls for sale 
on her web page but gets more for them on ebay. LOL!!!!!! At least with cels each one is unique
but with the dolls they are exactly the same!!

Darla :)

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