Cels Forum

Re: What are 'end' and 'key' cels? (Fri Dec 4 09:57:21 1998 )
Yann Stettler

A "end" cel is the very last cel of a sequence. You
can recognize it because it's writen "end" on it.

A "key" cel is a cel that was draw by a key animator.
There is several in a sequence, the rest is filled
by other animators.
There is at least two "key" cels in the sequence
that are easy to recognize : the first cel (with
the number 1. Ie A1, B1...) and the last cel.
(and number but writen "end"). There is usualy
others but there is no obvious way to recognize

Usualy "key" cels are more expensive because key
animators are better than normal animator at what
they do :) Also, they are better know... Which
mean that the key cels are "usualy" of better
quality. But that's not always the case and sometime
another cel of the sequence will be nicer...

Yann Stettler

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