Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: MANGAYA NEWS : ALL LOVE FROM JAPAN(^_^) (1st) 1/2 (Mon Feb 22 01:15:41 1999 )



I see.  You may be right.  I live in Souther Cal myself.  I
 lived in Texas for about 6 month.  I think the way people 
round those parts can "let it all hang out" can be 
refreshing.  It is one way of doing things.  It is very 
clear. I can say I understand and agree with your point 
that what Mangaya did was wrong.  Which has been made.  I 
have seen only one person disagree with your point.  

As a side note:

If we do business with a company over the internet that is 
in another country should we "Play by there rules" or 
should they "Play by our rules".  That is what this whole 
thing comes down to isn't it?  I know if someone wrote my 
page and told me I had to do things there way I would be 
pissed off.  With that in mind, you should know what 
Mangaya did was not unheard of in Japan.  It is not 
everyones culture to regulate there trade with laws the way
 we do in the US.  There is very little legal recourse for 
consumers in Japan.   You have very little recourse if the 
company your dealing with just says "Moshiwakemasen" or 
"shigataga nai" and walk away leaving you unsatisfied.  
That is not to say that this happens a lot but it happens. 
 Toshiba did it to me.  The only recourse I had was to 
never buy another Toshiba product.    


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