Cels Forum

MANGAYA NEWS : ALL LOVE FROM JAPAN(^_^) (1st) 1/2 (Sun Feb 21 15:20:10 1999 )

Hi All Japanimation Fan!(^_^)

  I'm so sorry we occured the problem about our sales method.
  We wouldn't like to make others feel uncomfortable. I was afraid
  of any problem occured because we don't have energy, ability and time
  to explain a complex problem with a langauge excepted my mother
  tounge. So this article is my last message in this forum. I explain
  first why we did one time auction this time.

    In the last time update, a certain Ranma cel was ordered by 20 people.
  Some people offered an extra money for it. But we choosed the buyer by
  lottery and sold. In that time, I thougt we should sell an item to who
  pay highest price because he/she proves that he/she wants it than anyone.
  I want to sell a cel to who loves it than anyone, who takes care of it
  much. I had decided it in the time, but didn't think it came so quickly
  that the time to need this rule. This is our mistake that the new
  rule is just not in time. In this time, ESCA and LODOSS cels were
  very popular and I sent the explanation of the auction to the customers
  who wanted these cels. 

(See next article)

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