Subject: From: URL: E-mail: |
Re: Re: Re: NEW CELS FOR SALE!! (Sun May 16 10:14:40 1999
) Parrallax |
Hmmm.....personally, I probably wouldn't buy from another site with the specific intention to resell. But thats just me. I'm sure if I found a cel that I could make a crapload of money off of, I wouldn't hesitate. Melissa is a great and honest person. So if she wants to make a few bucks, let her. :) And I've known about that site for a long time now. They actually did advertise a little, but not very much. I've got a few Ryoko cels from them already. They can speak english pretty decently too. So if you want to order, just email them with what you want. You pay them just like you would Celmart or Anime Taro.....with an IPMO. I only ordered from them once, but the service was great. :) -Parrallax |
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