Cels Forum

Re: Rich bastards! Give us pokies a chance?!!! (Sat Jun 5 02:28:21 1999 )

	Actually, I think we should note that while some of Rick's 
prices are high for the particular cel or the particular series,
many of them are actually pretty cheap for a cel of that quality
from a particular series.  I've gotten some cels from him that
I am sure would have gone for much more online.  
	Yes, most of his cels seem to be around $100 or $200 dollars 
(forgive me, I'm just estimating)...but they're really nice shots.
Sure, people on the net can sell for cheaper, but the cels are
often lower in quality (i.e. smaller characters, no backgrounds
etc)  When the other dealers online sell high quality cels, the
price range also goes up or above that level.  His cels that are
lower quality find they're way to the bargain bin ($15-$30...a 
friend ended up with an Esca OP cel from there...) or are priced
significantly lower.
	Again, note that all cel dealers have some series that they
seem to price cheap, some they price about right, and some they
overprice (give or take a few who overprice everything or set 
the standard).
	Lastly, be happy that the world is not always fair and that 
you are fortunate enough to participate in this hobby as all.

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