Cels Forum

Hey... give Rick a chance too! (Fri Jun 4 23:09:57 1999 )

I saw the cel in question before... it was very
breathtaking... fortunately I'm not in the habit
of collecting Escaflowne so I wasn't at all tempted,
but let's just say it was a _GREAT_ image of Folken
with his black wings in view (folded up of course).
It was a chest up shot... so it was very close, and
the background was that of a detailed city (not just
a plain blue sky and some clouds like in a lot of cels).

Considering the circumstances the cel is an exceptional
cel for an exceptional price... ^^;; ... the person who
bought that cel would be a very happy owner.

Oh... and overall Rick's prices are reasonable for the
quality... you'll be amazed by what Rick has for sale in
those cel books of his ^^

And for the bargain hunter he usually has his "bargain
bin" that he sets aside. (most cels are $10-$25) and the
bin is populated with a _WIDE_ variety of series (Ryokos,
Lots of Jo Jo's BA, Virtual Figher, and lots more)

So overall if you do get a chance to visit Rick at a con,
you'll probably come away with something... I always seem
to... ^^;;

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