Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Anime Expo 99 (Wed Jun 9 03:11:58 1999 )
Young-Kyu Yoo


>I agree with Danny; why not Saturday? 

We tried for a time on Saturday but there were just too
many other events up against us.  If I recall correctly, there 
was nothing available at 10:00, and before that is the
masquerade.  Also, afternoons were out because many
of the folks who attend are collectors who help out
at dealer booths.

>Also, why is the meet so late at night?! 

It was just a matter of avoiding conflicts.  We could have
scheduled it earlier on Friday night, but then we would
have run up against the guests of honor reception.  For
those who haven't attended this event before, I really
recommend it.  You don't get many chances like this to talk 
to Japanese animators, and, if you're really lucky, you may
get an autograph or two.

>I suggest that next year you take a poll

We can do that.  We did that last year.  However, this time
around, there were four of us in on the decision and we 
thought we had adequately considered the options. Also,
taking a poll takes time and it was important to get the
scheduling request into AX early.

As for how the committee of four came about...it was just 
four people who sometimes go to lunch together at the LA 
Shrine show.  If you would like to help out, just send me 
a note.  There's still a lot of work to do.  We're 
planning a web site, flyers, speakers, et al.

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