Cels Forum

Re: Anime Expo 99 (Wed Jun 9 00:05:56 1999 )

> Many people are only going for one day and most 
> will be there on Saturday.  Also, why is the meet 
> so late at night?! Personally I think a lunch 
> would be better.

  The cel meeting will invite many cel dealers there, since
they all have to work in the dealer room, that's why 
the meeting needs to be late at night.  Moreover, 
there are many panels and events during the daytime 
till evening, such as the guest reception and 
marsquerade which they won't end until 10pm or 11pm. 
  If necessary, I think Young and the others can arrange
a short gathering on Saturday too for the people who cannot
go to the Friday night's gathering.
  It's hard to find the best time to fit the majority, 
especially fitting the schedule of the dealers.  Friday
night at 10pm is okay with me.  Next year should have
a better time slot because AX2000 will be a 4 days 

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