>>Shame on the person who started this!!!!!
Good for you Isato ^_^
Now to put in my part which will no doubt
attract some nasty remarks.
I am shocked at how people are so willing
to bash the heck out of someone else like this.
The flaming on this forum is getting to be awful,
and it seems to have no end in sight either.
Did anyone actually e-mail both parties and discuss this?
Or did you just jump to this conclusion without really looking into this matter?
It seems to me you haven't, and now you have probably
ruined things for alot of people who do trust her.
As for the e-mail address, there are bound to be more
than one person with the same initials in the same area.
After all there are 30 some odd million people here
in Canada so it is not out of the question
that it is someone else.
And,why can't you use your name on this? If you feel
the need to distroy her, why not tell us who you are?
Seems to me you must be making this up or know it's not
true if you can't use your name.
It seems to be a trend to attack sellers on this, prime
targets seem to include: Ed Noonchester, Abdel, and now
Marcia Dacol.
Ever notice how Ed doesn't post anything here anymore?
It's probably partial to the fact that everytime
his name comes up people feel the need to attack him
for something.
Because of the time and effort these dealers put into
getting these great cels, putting them up, answering
e-mail and such we get a chance to get these cels.
Eventually after getting attacked like this, they will
quit selling to the public. I'd hate to see this happen
to any dealer.
But whoever you are who is out to get Marcia remember
the saying: 'If you can't say anything nice, don't say
anthing at all'
If someone is doing something wrong it will come out
HellStinger. |