Cels Forum

Re: But she is nice and anonymous flaming (Sat Jul 10 06:52:32 1999 )
Dark Amber


There is nothing that bothers me more then anonymous flaming
against someone else.  If you have a valid point to make then
you shouldn't be afraid to say who you are and stand up for
your comments.

I don't think any of us realize the hard work that goes into
being a dealer or even working on E-bay.  It is not some fun and
games to see how many people you can rip off.  It takes alot
of work and most dealers do it in their spare time.

The cels that Marcia just put up on e-bay are wonderful and
will get good prices all on their own.

I hope that she doesn't become bitter because of this. She
was trying to work on totally revamping Amine Assult and include
the new cels her husband brought back.

My suggestion in the future is if you read a flame posted by someone
who will not leave a handle...ignore it.

Cathy/Dark Amber

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