Cels Forum

Re: Re: Re: Seeking Brain Powered and Lain cels-Me too! (Fri Aug 6 12:34:28 1999 )
Yuri Cube

   More competition!  I'm looking for them too!  Have you seen 
Alex's Lain cel?  It's really nice.

   Fortunately, though, cels are relatively inexpensive for 
Brain Powered--  it seems that a lot of the fans in the US 
who have watched the first few episodes of Brain Powered 
just don't like it.  So that's good news.  
   Personally, I hope to eventually buy some cels of Kanan, 
Higgins, Kuinchi, and Hime.  One particular cel that I would 
really want is from the scene where Hime is standing in the 
hangar, and there are lots of seagulls sitting on the Brain 
Powereds.  Sitting on Hime are two seagulls, one on her head--  
it was such a cute scene.
   Also, the scene below.  After knocking out Yuu accidentally, 
Lucky suggests to Hime that she kiss him to wake him up (that's 
the romantic way).  But Yuu is actually awake, and he licks 
instead.  It was very funny and cute!  

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