Cels Forum

Re: Re: Cel paints and other materials for sale (Sun Aug 15 12:50:59 1999 )

Nikaku carries a cel paint, I don't know what brand, 
maybe it's imported from Japan?


Cartoon Colour that was mentioned makes something called cel vinyl, it's probably
the best stuff you can get in the states but it's expensive.
I think it's plastic based so sticks to the cel better.
If you don't have luck calling you should be able to find it at a commercial art supply store
or maybe if there's an art college near by they may carry it the 
supply store. A few places carry it on the web.

Delta Ceramcoat is cheaper and works fine, any craft store 
should carry the 2 oz tubes.  Sometimes "puddling" the paint helps it
stick.  When you watch making of videos or look in books you see 
they sometimes paint with two brushes, they use one to push 
the paint off the other so it comes off real thick.

Someone said something about what side to ink on, if you ink on the same side
you paint the ink might dissolve and smear in the paint. You need a permenant india
ink and a mech. pen or quill nib, the ink in the marker type mech. pens is no 
good.  Cybermanga usually has a board dedicated to talking about
making art but it's been down.

I got a fan cel on auction on my page, the frame and mat were
25 and the bids at 10 so if anyone needs a cheap
frame it might be worth bidding, they could always rip the cel out ^_^

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