Cels Forum

Re: Re: fun with fanart.. where in the world do you find...?? (Sat Aug 14 10:27:09 1999 )

>Anyways, I was just wondering 
>if you inked the cel on the top 
>or on the bottom underneath the paint? 

actually i didn't ink it at all.. that's why it looks so 
bad around the lines :) all that is there is toner dust
I just sketched the pic out and drug that to kinkos
and had them xerox it onto the back of some acetate 
(the side where the paint goes) and boy-o, they 
gave me funny looks when i requested them to do that^^

i tracked down paint pens tho so i can finally try my hand 
at inking it for real tho.. attempt #2.0 coming up (fun!)

-jocey (who needs to be locked up into the deedlit ward for 
spending so much time trying to handpaint a decent cel after 
giving up on being able to ever afford one;)

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