Cels Forum

Re: Pocket (Wed Sep 15 20:12:12 1999 )


Well, until such time as anyone else starts getting human 
Ryo-ohki cels of the quality that Pocket does, she can do 
pretty much anything she wants when it comes to shipping 
the cels in a timely fashion. 
Here's an observation I made: no matter whether you make your 
payment very first thing from a bank that has Japanese branches 
or on the very last day from a bank that will have to send it through
two or three transfers to get it there, everyone's cels seem 
to show up within a few days of each other. 
I think Pocket made it pretty plain in the last update that 
if anyone was displeased with how long it takes to get your 
cels that it's best just not to order from Pocket. I don't think 
that Pocket is going to change. ^_^

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