Ryoko resurrected According to legend, a demon is imprisoned in the ancient Masaki Shrine in Kurashiki, Japan. Tenchi Masaki is a typical schoolboy who find himself in a whole heap of trouble when, on summer holiday with his grandfather, he accidentally breaks the shrine's "seal" and unleashes the demon which one of his forefathers imprisoned years earlier. Awakened from a deep sleep, Ryoko, the demon, in the form of a beautiful young girl, is furious to find out that she has been imprisoned for over 700 years. Using her amazing powers, including flying through the air, moving through walls, and hurling massive bolts of electrical power from her hands, she pursues Tenchi in a terrifying midnight chase throughout his school. Here comes Ayeka Princess Ayeka has sailed far from her home planet Jurai in search for he long lost fiance. On Earth, she encounters Ryoko instead, her mortal enemy from distant starts - which can only mean trouble for Tenchi. As a blast from Ayeka's main cannon shatters his windows Tenchi finds himself flying away in Ryoko's spaceship, only to be captured later by Ayeka! Tenchi doesn't know what to do as the cast-fight between the two girls ends up in a big spaceship crash and then... Who is Ayeka's fiance and where has he gone ? How will Tenchi get home and what do these sparring girls want with him? Perhaps Ayeka's little sister, the mischievous Sasami, can help as Tenchi becomes the master of his own destiny. |