The Anime Index

Anime : The Slayers

Titre / Title : The Slayers
Cassette no: 4
Nb. Episode : 3
Length : 75 min
Now that Shabranigdo has been defeated and Zelgadis has left for parts unknown, Lina is back to her old treasure-seeking self. When Prince Philionel of Seyruun travels the land, Lina sees an opportunity to be the perfect candidate for joining the royal family, which means... more treasure! But Prince Phil isn't quite the sort of handsome, refined gentleman Lina imagined and Amelia, his daughter, an ever-so-cute sorceress in training doesn't help matters much.

It's bad enough for Lina that her Prince Charming turns out to have all the charisma of a troll, but when Amelia decides that the great sorceress Lina Inverse would be a perfect crime-fighting role model, well... Let's just see if Lina and Gourry can come out of this nightmare with at least a few gold coins in hand.

Copyright ©1996 Yann Stettler and CohProg Sarl. All rights reserved / Copyright on published documents