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CCS Wishlist Cel (Fri Apr 30 20:11:32 2004 )
rallihir - nli - [View profile ]

Yep, that was me.  And I think the price was 
reasonable given the previous auctions.  I had 
bid on that auction as well, but someone really 
wanted the set (more than me!)  That set of cel 
images has disappeared from the web of course.  
It is getting to the point to the only cels I 
want from CCS are hitting the high range, and 
most of these cels seem to be in private hands in 

I also think I may have answered some of the 
Sakura "birthday suit" mystery.  One of the cels 
I picked up in this last set was from the Movie 
2.  It is an overlay cel of Sakura's costume with 
a naked Sakura cel.  So, at least some of these 
cels are from the Movie 2.

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