I don't follow Dragonball, and I'm not familiar
with its production art, or with the collections
of those who collect it, or with the sites who
sell it. ^_^;; So I was hoping that some
collectors would be able to do some ID's for me.
I have someone who says he has two people who
want cels. His original request consisted of cels
#7 and #8. Though I'm not familiar with
Dragonball cels, I do know I've seen both those
images somewhere before, possibly on this forum?
I know Hyperenity painted a fancel of the image
on #8, so maybe that's what I'm thinking of...
when I told him I don't paint from cel scans, he
told me that both #7 and #8 used to be fancels he
already owned, and he had sold them, and someone
who had lost out on the auction had wished to buy
duplicates. So that's fishy right there. If he
had owned #7, surely he would have something
better than an auction picture... and I don't
know about #8. I compared it to Hyperenity's
scan, which had much more vibrant colors and a
background; I don't know if it's an image of a
totally different cel, or if it's a really poor
scan of her fancel. I asked Hyperenity about it,
and she didn't seem to remember this individual
specifically. So... with #7 and #8, does anyone
recognize these scans? He gave me #6, as a
screencap to replace #7. Judging from the
positioning of the little lock of hair sticking
out on #6, and its relation to the ear, it's from
the same sequence, but not a perfect match for
the auction pic #7. I *think* it's a screencap,
but I wanted to make sure.
He then said he had another person who had
requested some cels be made, and that he was the
go-between. He had told me that he told the
person about my aversion to painting from cel
scans, so they were all screencaps... but one of
them was one of Animegame's cels (with the
Animegame URL plastered right across it) ^_^;;;.
So much for that. #3 also looks like a cel... and
I wasn't sure if I saw line fading in #10. A lot
of the Dragonball cels that I looked at seemed to
have their airbrushed effects layers in place, so
it's difficult for me to tell what's screencap,
and what's cel scan.
Anyhow, since he's been this dishonest with me, I
don't want to have anything to do with him.
However, I'd rather be able to say, "This cel
came from Animegame, and those three cels came
from Bob's site, and those cels belong to such-
and-such," rather than just going on weak
suspicions, but with only one solid reject.
Likewise, if it really is legitimate, I don't
want to go around accusing people of trying to be
sneaky, if the Animegame cel was an accident, and
if it turns out that #7 and #8 really were
fancels that were on the market.
I am pretty sure that no matter what, these
aren't things he's capping himself, though he
does modify them. Most images are very small,
rarely over 300 pixels in either dimension,
always submitted as .bmp's. The Animegame one was
renamed, and reformatted as .bmp from its
original .jpg form. So I'm not sure if he's
cropping them as well, to get rid of the cel
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
(I tried putting all the cel pics in one image...
if it doesn't come through properly, I'll try
splitting them up in subsequent messages.) |