Ok for those of you who missed out on the fanart
contest this year and due to several requests, I
am now holding a contest that everyone can
I decided to hold a simple drawing. All you
hafta do is submit an email saying "GIMME GIMME
FREE FANCEL BAKA!" and it will automatically be
entered in the drawing. People who have placed
orders through me before have automatically been
entered into the contest. If you are not sure if
you have placed an order through me, you may
submit again, however there is one submission
per person, so if I see a duplicate entry, the
duplicate will be erased. The winner will
recieve a 9x12 single character fancel of their
choice (including background!)
You have until April 30th to get those emails
in, so that means you don't have much time!
The winner will be announced on May 1st.
Good luck everyone!
**Please note: I will not be able to start on
the piece until my cels in stock reach 0, which
may take a month or 2. |