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Childish Fighting Show-me! (Sun May 2 12:42:37 2004 )
Ore-sama aka fancels nli [View profile ]

I really had a lovely experience this Friday. I 
went to the train station after school but I 
decided to wait for my friends so we could go 
together. Nobody came. I decided to return to 
school. I met a friend and asked "Where's the 
rest?" - "They don't dare leaving school because 
the exit's surrounded by Moroccans from the 
school next door." - "WHA??" - "They came for R. 
to beat him up." I decided to go there and... 
yeah, honestly, I wanted action...
When I arrived, I had to sneak through at least 
20 Moroccans. Facing them were my friends and 
teachers, protectively surrounding R. When I told 
him I came back when I heard about this "civil 
war", he was all touched. After he busted my foot 
he certainly didn't expect me to come fight for 
him ;) 
Anyways, the enemy vanished without a fight and I 
was told the whole story. R., a gentle but very 
clumsy guy, unintentionally hit the "pretty boy 
Moroccan" from our school at the head with a 
ball, on Tuesday. Now that guy assembled 20 men 
to beat R. up. Now where has the sanity gone?? 
That "pretty boy" left first, and left the others 
to do the dirty work! Plus, they then surrounded 
the train station so R. had to be driven home by 
I'm looking forward to Monday... I think I'll go 

On this occasion, let's hold a show-me of cels 
with needless fights on them, civil wars, 10-on-
one, ppl being hit by balls or anything else 
related :)


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Message thread :
  • Childish Fighting Show-me! - Ore-sama aka fancels nli (02 May 12h42)

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