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hmmmm (Thu May 13 05:01:11 2004 )
rei - nli [View profile ]

Well, if you know Japanese, you can get your own 
Y!J account. 

If you still want to bid on items in Y!J but 
don't have an account there are a number of 
deputy services that will do it for you.  You can 
browse the cels using their various search 
engines.  The most common deputies are:

Anime Chaos:  www.animechaos.com/deputy

Celga: www.celga.com

Rinkya: www.rinkya.com

Rinkya and Chaos let you bid in real-time (like 
you would on eBay).  With Celga you must know 
your maximum before you big, and they'll attempt 
to snipe the auction for you.  As a new-comer, I 
would suggest Chaos or Rinkya -- they're friendly 
and professional.  Deputy fees can get kinda 
high, so I'd just remind you to only bid on 
things that you REALLY want (it can get 
frustrating purchasing a $20 cel, only to turn 
around and pay $12 deputy fee, $3 bank fee and $8 
shipping --- sometimes the fees are more than the 
cel!  It can get frustrating)

Good luck, and welcome to the highly addictive 
world of cel collecting! :)

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