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Re: Gallery Update (Tenchi Forever cels/.sketches + new layout) & a SHOW ME! (Thu May 13 02:04:23 2004 )
evilminion (nli) [View profile ]

You know, it's almost like every piece of Wolf's
Rain art I see is prettier than the last one.  I
might actually have to give the show a try one of
these days, if only just to watch it all in
motion.  Nice set of catches there, lady!

Hmmmmm, favorite new acquisition?  Heh.  That'd be
an easy choice -- a REALLY easy choice -- but
since I've already caught enough abuse from
friends over my mad adoration of the cel in
question, I think I'll spare myself further flak
from acquaintances and random strangers by posting
something else instead.  ^_~

No big surprise that it's from Hunter x Hunter,
since that's about all I've bought lately.  *grin*
 Probably the closest cel I'll ever manage to find
(or afford) of Killua in assassin mode:

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